AGS monthly meeting

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

AGS Monthly Meeting 600pm Pizza social 630pm Business meeting 645pm Lecture Speaker: Tamie Jovanelly, Berry College Topic: Geological Wonders of Iceland Iceland’s landscape has been shaped by dramatic forces over 30 million years. Its formation and ongoing evolution offers a masterclass in geophysical processes. Iceland is a dynamic place where the power and beauty of geology … Continue reading "AGS monthly meeting"

November PG Candidate Workshop

Subject: Geophysics Speaker: Yonesha Donaldson Yonesha Donaldson will be covering the fundamentals of geophysics and common geophysical methods used in hydrologic studies. Yonesha (Yannie) Donaldson is a Ph.D. student at the University of Georgia, a researcher in the UGA Water Resources and Remote Sensing Laboratory, and a National Science Foundation B2D Fellow. Her current research … Continue reading "November PG Candidate Workshop"

AGS Monthly Meeting

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

AGS Monthly Meeting 6:00pm Pizza Social 6:30pm Business meeting 6:45 Lecture Speaker: Christy Visaggi, Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Director in Geosciences at Georgia State University Topic: Overview of GSU Geology program research by several graduate students, including Lisa Duong speaking on “Evolving arc magmas in Costa Rica: How to make continental crust!”.

AGS Monthly Meeting

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title:  Red and yellow ochres used by the Himba and Nama people of Namibia: Mineralogical composition and characterization by XRD and SEM-EDS. Abstract: Ocher is a natural iron oxide earth pigment that can vary from shades of light yellow to deep oranges to intense reds. The use of ochres as pigments is global and they … Continue reading "AGS Monthly Meeting"

AGS PG Workshop

Subject: A review of the ASBOG practice exam for the Fundamentals of Geology Speaker: Ben Bentkowski and Abigail Knapp Date: Saturday, January 29, 2022 Time: 10:00 am until 12:00 pm Place: Online webinar hosted by Scott Harris of Fernbank Science Center – registration information below. This workshop is virtual only. Registration: To receive the zoom link and password, please check that you … Continue reading "AGS PG Workshop"

AGS Monthly Meeting

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title:  Better Understanding Seismic Activity in the Southeast USA: Case studies of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone and Vicinity of the Thurmond Reservoir Abstract: The Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone (ETSZ) is the second most active seismic zone in the eastern United States, after the New Madrid Seismic zone in the Mississippi Valley area. A few … Continue reading "AGS Monthly Meeting"

March 2022 PG Candidate Workshop

Speaker: Abigail Knapp Subject: Remote Sensing Place: Online webinar. For more information and link contact Abigail Knapp: [email protected] Please join us for a Saturday morning overview of remote sensing, with a highlight on the Landsat satellite applications. Remote Sensing falls under the General Geology/Field Methods section of the ASBOG FG and PG questions. In this … Continue reading "March 2022 PG Candidate Workshop"

AGS Monthly Meeting

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title: Geology for the Next Generation:  Purposeful Training in Geoscience Education Abstract: Education seems susceptible to a particular form of bias. An instructor learns a thing a certain way, and thus considers this is the way that instruction is done. Over time, the curriculum of a program builds, sometimes by the demands of the job … Continue reading "AGS Monthly Meeting"

AGS Monthly Meeting

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title: Structure, Geochemistry, Geochronology, and 2- and 3-dimensional strain analysis of the Long Island Creek Gneiss with proximity to the zone of most intense shearing in the Brevard Zone in western Georgia and eastern Alabama Abstract:  Two- and three-dimensional strain analysis of the Long Island Creek Gneiss (LICG) was conducted from natural exposures in western … Continue reading "AGS Monthly Meeting"

AGS PG Workshop

Date: Saturday, April 30, 2022 Time: 10:00 am until 12:00 pm Place: Online webinar. For more information and link contact Abigail Knapp: [email protected] Speaker: Benjamin Black, PE, PG, CPG, RPG Ben has over 26 years of diverse experience in the field of engineering geology, geological engineering, mining, and hydrogeology.  He has a BS in Geology … Continue reading "AGS PG Workshop"

AGS PG Workshop

May 21: PG Workshop. Topic: Hydrogeology and Contaminant Transport. Speaker: Dr. Jim Kennedy. For more information contact Abigail Knapp, [email protected]