AGS Monthly Meeting
Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United StatesTopic: When Megafloods Attack!: Diagnosing a Tectonic Aneurysm: new observations from the eastern Himalaya Speaker: Karl Lang, Georgia Tech
"We will rock you"
Topic: When Megafloods Attack!: Diagnosing a Tectonic Aneurysm: new observations from the eastern Himalaya Speaker: Karl Lang, Georgia Tech
Board meeting via webcast link.
Topic: How the Gulf Stream brings Warmth and Nutrients to the North Atlantic: Tales from the Past and Future Ocean Speaker: Jean Lynch-Stieglits, Georgia Tech
Meeting via webcast
October 22, 10am-12noon: PG Workshop. Topic: Petrology Speaker: Steve Stokowski. For more information contact Ginny Mauldin:
Title: Hydrology of the Claiborne aquifer in Southwestern Georgia Abstract: The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, conducted a study to define the hydrologic properties of the Claiborne aquifer and to evaluate its connection with the Upper Floridan aquifer in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in southwestern Georgia. Borehole geophysical … Continue reading "AGS Monthly Meeting"
Via webcast
November Presentation: Sedimentation rates and sediment content of Lake Lanier, implications for lakebed development and deposition When: November 25, 2022 6:00: Social: refreshments and snacks served 6:45: Business meeting (zoom starts) 7:00: Presentation The meeting will be in person at the Fernbank Museum and via zoom. Click on this link to join meeting via zoom. … Continue reading "AGS Monthly Meeting"
January 31, 2023, 6pm Speaker: Dr. Cody Mason, University of West Georgia. Topic: Sediment provenance techniques and their applications to large river systems of North and South America
Topic: Possible connections between regional tectonic history and structural controls on the groundwater system on St. Catherines Island, Georgia When: February 21, 2023, 7pm The meeting will be in via zoom only. Membership required. To Join AGS to to: Speaker bio: James (Jim) Reichard is a Professor of Geology in the Department of Geology … Continue reading "Special Online Presentation, Dr Jim Reichard Ga Southern U."
February 28, 2023, 6pm: Speaker: Dr. Brad Deline, University of West Georgia. Topic: Understanding ancient oddities: paleoecology of paracrinoids.
March 28, 2023, 6pm: Speaker: Alex Ullrich, Georgia State University, Perimeter College. Topic: Rocks for Jocks: Teaching Reluctant Adults About Geology.