AGS Monthly Meeting

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title: Structure, Geochemistry, Geochronology, and 2- and 3-dimensional strain analysis of the Long Island Creek Gneiss with proximity to the zone of most intense shearing in the Brevard Zone in western Georgia and eastern Alabama Abstract:  Two- and three-dimensional strain analysis of the Long Island Creek Gneiss (LICG) was conducted from natural exposures in western … Continue reading "AGS Monthly Meeting"

AGS PG Workshop

Date: Saturday, April 30, 2022 Time: 10:00 am until 12:00 pm Place: Online webinar. For more information and link contact Abigail Knapp: [email protected] Speaker: Benjamin Black, PE, PG, CPG, RPG Ben has over 26 years of diverse experience in the field of engineering geology, geological engineering, mining, and hydrogeology.  He has a BS in Geology … Continue reading "AGS PG Workshop"

AGS PG Workshop

May 21: PG Workshop. Topic: Hydrogeology and Contaminant Transport. Speaker: Dr. Jim Kennedy. For more information contact Abigail Knapp, [email protected]

AGS Monthly Meeting–Special Jahns Lecture

Special AGS monthly meeting, sponsored jointly with the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG) Atlanta Chapter featuring Jahns Lecturer Richard Wooten, North Carolina Geological Survey (retired). Topic: Going Against the Grain: Linking Brittle Cross-Structures with Landslides, Hydrogeology, and Earthquakes in the North Carolina Blue Ridge and Piedmont.

AGS Annual Social

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Come join us for some great food and fun! Door prizes, giant screen movie and socializing! When: Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 630-800pm Where: Fernbank Museum Cost: Members Free; Guests $5 Door prizes: Please bring items to give away as door prizes. These can be geology books, maps, samples, rocks, fossils, company swag or an endless … Continue reading "AGS Annual Social"

AGS PG Workshop

July 16: PG Workshop. Topic: Karst Geology. Speaker: Steve Stokowski. Steven Stokowski, CPG, is the owner and materials geologist of Stone Products Consultants. Steve’s primary professional interests are aggregates and concrete petrography. Steve has extensive geological and petrographic experience across the US. He has a MS in Geology from the South Dakota School of Mines … Continue reading "AGS PG Workshop"

AGS PG Candidate Workshop

AGS PG Candidate Workshop--Online webinar Subject: Geomorphology Speaker: Ginny Mauldin, GIT, PMP. Ginny is employed in the Engineering Design division of Southern Company Gas - Atlanta Gas Light. She holds an M.S. in Geology from Georgia State University where she conducted research in Meteoritics and Martian Geomorphology. She is a veteran Solar System Ambassador with … Continue reading "AGS PG Candidate Workshop"

AGS Monthly Meeting

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Topic: When Megafloods Attack!: Diagnosing a Tectonic Aneurysm: new observations from the eastern Himalaya Speaker: Karl Lang, Georgia Tech  

AGS Monthly Meeting

Fernbank Museum 767 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Topic: How the Gulf Stream brings Warmth and Nutrients to the North Atlantic: Tales from the Past and Future Ocean Speaker: Jean Lynch-Stieglits, Georgia Tech