AGS Executive Board Meeting
Board meeting via webcast link.
"We will rock you"
Board meeting via webcast link.
Topic: How the Gulf Stream brings Warmth and Nutrients to the North Atlantic: Tales from the Past and Future Ocean Speaker: Jean Lynch-Stieglits, Georgia Tech
Meeting via webcast
October 22, 10am-12noon: PG Workshop. Topic: Petrology Speaker: Steve Stokowski. For more information contact Ginny Mauldin:
Title: Hydrology of the Claiborne aquifer in Southwestern Georgia Abstract: The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, conducted a study to define the hydrologic properties of the Claiborne aquifer and to evaluate its connection with the Upper Floridan aquifer in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in southwestern Georgia. Borehole geophysical … Continue reading "AGS Monthly Meeting"
Via webcast
November Presentation: Sedimentation rates and sediment content of Lake Lanier, implications for lakebed development and deposition When: November 25, 2022 6:00: Social: refreshments and snacks served 6:45: Business meeting (zoom starts) 7:00: Presentation The meeting will be in person at the Fernbank Museum and via zoom. Click on this link to join meeting via zoom. … Continue reading "AGS Monthly Meeting"
January 31, 2023, 6pm Speaker: Dr. Cody Mason, University of West Georgia. Topic: Sediment provenance techniques and their applications to large river systems of North and South America
Topic: Possible connections between regional tectonic history and structural controls on the groundwater system on St. Catherines Island, Georgia When: February 21, 2023, 7pm The meeting will be in via zoom only. Membership required. To Join AGS to to: Speaker bio: James (Jim) Reichard is a Professor of Geology in the Department of Geology … Continue reading "Special Online Presentation, Dr Jim Reichard Ga Southern U."
February 28, 2023, 6pm: Speaker: Dr. Brad Deline, University of West Georgia. Topic: Understanding ancient oddities: paleoecology of paracrinoids.
March 28, 2023, 6pm: Speaker: Alex Ullrich, Georgia State University, Perimeter College. Topic: Rocks for Jocks: Teaching Reluctant Adults About Geology.
Heavy mineral mining in the Georgia Coastal Plain recently has been in the news as a permit is being considered by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to allow mining near the Okefenokee Swamp, one of our state's natural and historic treasures. It is part of the mission of the AGS to communicate science relevant … Continue reading "Mineral Sand Mining in the Ga Coastal Plain–Perspectives & Discussion"