Contact us

AGS Officers and Committee Chairs

Listed below are the officers and committee heads. Please contact them with any questions or ideas.

President: Scott Harris
[email protected]

Vice-President: Will Dunn
[email protected]

Secretary:  Jane Lomas
[email protected]

:  John Salvino
[email protected]

Immediate Past President: Pamela J. W. Gore
[email protected]

AGS Committees

Employment Coordinator: Allison Keefer
[email protected]

Fernbank Museum Liaison:  Miranda Gore Shealy
[email protected]

Fernbank Science Center Liaison:  Open

Field Trips: Will Dunn
[email protected]

Georgia PG Workshops: Ben Black
[email protected]

Hospitality:  John Salvino
[email protected]

Membership:  Burton Dixon
[email protected]

Newsletter Editor:  John Clarke
[email protected]

Outreach: Debbie Gordon
[email protected]

Social Media Coordinator: Alexander Ullrich
[email protected]

Teacher Grants:  Bill Waggener
[email protected]

Technical Presentations: Pamela Gore
[email protected]

Web Master:  John Clarke
[email protected]